Swedish Cemetery, Inc.

Swedish Cemetery, Inc.

Founded 1889 | Portland, CT

Founded 1889 | Portland, CT

A Peaceful Place

The Swedish Cemetery, Inc. located on a beautiful hillside in Portland, CT, has been a source of pride both to the community and descendants of the original families. The Cemetery is managed by a board of dedicated directors, some of whom are descendants of the original founders. Today, the Cemetery welcomes individuals of all races, religions, and backgrounds.

The Cemetery offers traditional burials in single, double, or family plots. Options for cremated remains include interment in one of these plots or within the newly installed columbarium.

Please come and visit our cemetery and see for yourself what a beautiful place it is. You can visit any time on your own or call for a guided tour with our superintendent.

“There is a certain frame of mind to which a cemetery is, if not an antidote, at least an alleviation. If you are in a fit of the blues, go nowhere else.”

~ Robert Louis Stevenson

History of the Property

Initially, the Cemetery was part of Zion Lutheran Church. The association with Zion ended on June 10, 1925 and a separate entity was formed, known as The Swedish Cemetery, Inc.

Newly Added Columbarium

The columbarium is an above ground granite structure with niches for the permanent housing of urns containing cremated remains. The columbarium has 48 niches and each niche can hold 2 urns. It adds a new option for interment the Cemetery.